Sunday 29 July 2012


above is all the gold i found on this trip, the big one on the right has 26 grams of gold the middle specimen has 7 grams and the one on the left has 18 grams of gold  [below] not much gold visible but theres 26 grams of gold inside
 get lost out here ya in deep trouble
 Steves 58 gram nugget,
 me with a specimen with 18.5 grams of gold in it, the hole was 12 inches deep,
 Paul with his specimen with 3 ounces of gold in it, the hole was 24 inches deep,
g,day everyone, well i have just got back from 2 weeks out bush with a few other fellas and had a ball and as some of these guys are seasoned prospectors i learnt alot about setting the detector right and prospecting, the first week i found only small nuggets but the second week i dug the larger nugget which doesnt show much gold but it has 26 grams of gold inside it, to find out how much gold is in it you weigh it dry [ as it is ] then weigh it suspended in water, multiply the dry weight by 1.9 then multiply the wet weight by 3.1 then subtract the low number from the high number to give you the weight in gold. dry= 81.43g x 1.9 = 154.717g,  wet= 58.3g x 3.1 = 180.73g, now 180.73 - 154.717 = 26.01 grams of gold. On this trip i met 2 guys over from victoria for the 2 weeks and one of them [Paul] found a specimen with 3 ounces of gold and another with just under 2 ounces, im very happy about my results which i also got a specimen with 18.5 grams of gold and another with 7.27 grams in it, the total weight i found was 80.84 grams or 2 ounces 18.6 grams, not bad for 2 weeks work. The larger specimen with 26 grams of gold is the largest ive found and it was 19 inches deep easily the deepest ive found and the deeper you dig the bigger the gold will be. Another bloke who lives in laverton found a nice flat water worn 58 gram nugget which is just under 2 ounces, im now in leonora for a week as i have run out of supplies and need to buy more before heading out again to a different spot, dont forget to leave a comment, cheers Stu.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Gold slowly adding up

 just the 11 nuggets for the week but got a nice 3 gramer,

 total nuggets off this patch, 101 for 41.6 grams

Hi everyone, i worked hard all week trying to get to 100 nuggets off this patch and i just got there, i ended up with 101 nuggets for a total weight of 41.6 grams or 1 ounce 10.5 grams, the weather has been cloudy with some showers and its gettin pretty darn cold at night as well as windy coldish days. Im staying in laveton for a few nights then on saterday im heading nth about 120ks to a new area, im going with some profesional prospectors who run tours for people and have a number of quad bikes and they have a group from a metal detecting club from NSW [34 people] coming over and have asked me if id like to go with them and help out looking after the group, im not getting paid but it will be a great experience watching how the pros go about it and the area that we re going is very remote but rich in gold so ill be giving the GPS a workout as i will be back there by myself very soon after. the gold [right] is my total from WA, 206 nuggets weighing 105 grams or 3 ounces 12 grams, cheers Stu,
ps, still lookin for that big one.

Friday 6 July 2012

patch still producing

Hi everyone, im still working the same patch in Hawks Nest gold field s/w of Laverton, this  week ive dug 14 nuggets but not much weight to them still im having fun finding them and vidioing me digging, im trying to put the vidios on the blog but it takes ages to download, the gold buyer was in town today but the aussie $ is to high and the price of gold is surpposed to go up later this year so i will hold off selling my gold just yet, catchas later,Stu