Friday 2 November 2012

G,day everyone, today i woke up to a bright blue sky and the radio said its going to be 30 degrees so after breakfast headed back to where i got the 12 grammer yesterday and late morning i beat yesterdays nugget with another ripper, this one even bigger, 19.6 grams and a nicer looking nugget as well, later in the afternoon steve and i went to the new water hole and got 20 odd yabbies from a pot we put in yesterday arvo, had them for dinner tonight and they were great, cheers Stu
yabies for dinner

Thursday 1 November 2012

Biggest Nugget so far

12.4 grams
the water fall between the 2 new lakes
G,day all, well at last we have some good rain over here and i didnt think i would go detecting this morning but there was a break in the rain so i headed off on the quad to where ive been getting a few good nuggets, i put a bigger coil on the detector to try and find some deeper bigger nuggets and after only half an hour i dug this very nice 12.4 gramer which was 12" deep, its the biggest solid nugget that ive found. yesterday i went to check out an old opencut mine and its getting water from another opencut pumped into it and its filling up fairly quickly and is gunna be a great place to go swiming when its hot, its also full of yabbies or maron and they are big buggers so ill put a pic of them on here when i get some. cheers Stu

the top lake
the new bottom lake