Tuesday 16 July 2013

Some of the sites around outback WA

You see alot of this on the outback roads.
The wheels of the truck have been taken off so it can be transported.

Emu eggs, these have been bleached white by the sun.

This is how the old timers marked their lease boundary.

Driving towards Leonora i came across these 2 pups along way from their home.

This hill was once a thousand or 2 feet higher but over time this is all thats left.

typical spinifex and sand area.

tough going in the spinifex and sand

If the spinifex gets to hard to ride through sometimes we take the road

very hard to see but running through the middle of this pic is an old horse and cart track.
note the 3 tracks of the 2 wheels with the horse track in the middle.

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