Friday, 2 November 2012

G,day everyone, today i woke up to a bright blue sky and the radio said its going to be 30 degrees so after breakfast headed back to where i got the 12 grammer yesterday and late morning i beat yesterdays nugget with another ripper, this one even bigger, 19.6 grams and a nicer looking nugget as well, later in the afternoon steve and i went to the new water hole and got 20 odd yabbies from a pot we put in yesterday arvo, had them for dinner tonight and they were great, cheers Stu
yabies for dinner


  1. That's the way Stu, keep em coming bigger and better. That biggest one has an animal face in the middle, a pig's snout or a collie dog. What do you think?

    1. with these bigger nuggets ya just gotta be a bit lucky, i dont see any animal in the nugget but i do see dollar signs, haha

  2. eww what does a yabby taste like?

    nice big nugget dad can that go on my bracelet hahaha

    how much is a gram worth again?

    1. They are called Marron and taste better than prawns, gold is worth about $50 a gram but this nugget is to big for a bracelet sorry Mon
