Saturday, 8 December 2012


G,day all, not alot happening at the moment as the days are getting hotter and thunderstorms every 3rd or 4th night. Was out detecting and i came across 3 Emu eggs and one was cracked but they were white which means they have been sitting there in the sun for at least 6 months and have been bleached by the sun, I've been getting a few nuggets most days but nothing special but today i found another sunbaker speccimen, i think it has about a gram or 2 of gold in it, not alot but it always  blows me away when i find them sitting there on the surface just waiting to be picked up. Thats what the old timers did, they just walked around picking up hundreds of ounces lying on the surface lucky buggers,
cheers Stu.

specie sunbaker


  1. Hey Stu, Got the parcel in the mail, all intact. You might need to get a new camera as the photos on the blog are a bit blurred.

  2. G,day Russ, yep pics somtimes are crappy as i use my iphone and forget to wipe the lens first, i have a digital camera and shall use it from now on,
