Thursday, 28 February 2013


G,day all, December was my last post so i will update yas all on what and where i went over xmas and January.
I headed down to Perth around the 22nd of DEC and had a look around there for a day and Perth is twice the size it was back in 88 when i last was there, then i headed down to Busselton which was way to busy with holiday makers so i continued sth to Margaret River and that was worse so i drove all the way down to Walpole, the next 2 weeks i spent fishing along the sth coast from Walpole to Albany catching mainly Herring and Trevally. Along this stretch there are some great places to camp right on the beaches with a few good inlets to fish for Bream,
1 kilo Trevaly caught off rocks near Albany
The flora down the sth of WA is a lot different than the goldfields, Black Boys or for the politically correct grass trees seem to be everywhere and Banksias which are one of my favourite trees are all over the place too.

One of the beaches where you camp right on it, how good to smell fresh sea breezes instead of dry outback dust.
Kangaroo Paw

Wine Palm?

As the fishing wasn't the best and Salmon season was still a few months away i decided to head back to Perth and travel nth towards Geraldton. I had heard that they catch good tailor around this time of year nth of Perth so i was looking forward to that. On the way i spent about 4 days in Perth as i had to sell some gold and buy some new tyres for my quad bike and then get them shipped to Laverton.
about 3 ounces that i sold in Perth
 While in Perth i found out that one of dads cousins Chris Allen lives in Wanaroo just a few ks nth so i spent another 2 days there and met his wife and some of their grand kids, geeze the Allens are all the same. After a few days with them i slowly headed towards Geralton and the wind was blowin real bad so fishing was out of the question. Geraldton seemes a good city but because i couldnt go fishing anywhere i decided to head inland towards Sandstone and make my way back to Laverton.

a freindly fellow
big eagles everywhere

rough seas near Geraldton 
Mulga parrots

 Leaving  Geraldton and passing through Sandstone, Leinster, Leonora i arrived back in Laverton with 5 thousands extra ks on the clock refreshed and ready for another year prospecting for gold in the dry outback of WA. After a week of being back one of the fellas that lives here on the lease decidedd to head back east to see his family and asked if i could look after his dog, its a female blue healer only about 12 to 18 months old named Elvis, dont know who he named it after. The weather has been very hot with most days well into the mid to high 40s with the hottest day reaching 48.7 degrees in the shade. I have been detecting early mornings and found a patch which resulted in about half an ounce which im happy with but nothing the last week or so. At the moment its cold and raining and muddy only 20 degrees, a big drop from the mid 40s. cheers Stu

Elvis and a Bungarra
Mexican standoff, in the middle is a roo carcass
This is a pic of the area where camp is
A blind snake i found one night in the kitchen of the shed
half ounce


  1. Good one Stu, you will be able to write a book soon.(I'll help you with the spelling, ha ha}. Good to see you getting relief from the heat at last, must be the effects from cyclone Rusty.

  2. Hi dad! Looks like your having fun! Dont think I could handle the heat over there, anything above 30 -35 is too much for me haha. It must be the pommy blood in me!
    Hopefully I can make a trip over for your birthday in June. xx
