Hi everyone, just spent a week out on the quad bike tours with Steve and Terry. Having only one customer this trip [Terry] only 2 of us needed to take him, i was camp cook for this trip and we all survived haha. first day out we only got 3 nuggets so the next day i decided to go to an area that i had drove over a few months back on my quad and there had been a bit of work done there before by previous prospectors. We straight away started to find gold and were soon getting alot of very small gold nuggets, we spent the next 2 days on this spot. After a few days we decided to go prospecting in different directions and Steve called on the radio that he might have found a spot,
Terry and i rolled up and Steve was finding gold everywhere so we started to detect around him.
before long we were all finding very small nuggets everywhere.
We stayed at this spot for the rest of the trip and between the three of us we got over 3 ounces with myself getting 1 ounce 3 grams which is pretty good for a weeks work.
One day we had an Emu walk right through the middle of camp, they dont see many humans so they're not sure what we are and are not scared until the dog jumps up and gives chase. cheers Stu
setting up camp |
my 34 grams or 1 ounce 3 grams |
total gold found by the three of us, over 3 ounces, mine is at the bottom of pic |
Emu walking through camp |
The golds over dataway |
Rocky hilltops |
An old camp, we think it might have been woodcutters, i found heaps of old beer bottles. |
Gold mine from the 1890s |
The beer bottles
I did some reserch on these bottles and their called Tiger Beer. There is a tiger face on the front of the bottles. The story goes that a hop grower in Tasmania had a dispute with Carlton United Breweries in the 1920s and they stoped buying his hops, so he decided to start his own brewery in Richmond, Victoria, which i guess is why its called Tiger beer.
The beer had a reputaion as being one of the finest around and these bottles are from around the depresion years.
The owner of the brewery died in 1961 and then in 1962 Carlton & United bought out the company and then dissmantled it, building and all.
Good weeks work Stu and those tiger bottles might be worth something.