Friday 27 April 2012

G,day all, just got back from camping out for 4 nights and looking forward to a shower and then get some washing done, weathers great about mid 20s id think, i have been getting up at 5;30 am and seeing some great sunrises but pictures not as good as the real thing, detecting is better in the mornings before the ground hots up and after the weeks detecting ive dug up 47 nuggets weighing 27.66 grams which in dollar terms is about $1,350 give or take, not a bad weeks work, im still to find a biggin and the largest i found this week was 2.74 grams but ill take it, im just staying overnight in the caravan park as i want to get back to this spot ive found as its still got more nuggets to give up and so far the area where ive found them is about an acre in size and getting bigger, just hope the nuggets get bigger too, hope you like the pictures, catcha next friday, stu.


  1. very good, thats a good weeks work. great to see some success straight away.have you seen anyone else out there near you or no one for the whole time. hope you continue with the good luck. cheers rich and shaz

  2. hi rich, i saw 2 4x4s with trailers drive past my camp but i didnt talk to them as i was about 200mts away detecting, they must have been furthar out bush and were heading back and that was on the last day, [friday], im just getting more food and fuel then heading back out, i havnt felt isolated at all, theres no noises at night, its dead quiet, i know theres brumbys around their hoofprints everywhere, im so glad we dont have bears or lions ha ha,

  3. Good to hear you've hit pay dirt, keep you going a bit longer eh? I can image the sunrises, like you say you can't always capture on film. The wild flowers should get better as you head towards winter. Had cold weather here already and not looking forward to it.
    stay safe love Mum.
