Thursday 19 April 2012

g,day all, went for a drive out to some abandoned mines on wednesday, the roads wernt to bad some corrigations now and then that rattle the van to bits, saw some brumbys but by the time i stoped to take photos they were on their way[ very flighty] also saw 4 eagles on the side of the road but same thing happened, the eagles are as big as turkys, i found the mines after a fair while driving through the scrub and the gps getting a real workout, without the gps you wouldnt find anything, ran into some miners who were a real help and said if i need anything when camping out there to just go visit them, they will be about 20 odd ks away, didnt find any gold but gold bearing ground just goes on forever, im heading out again for just a day trip on friday mainly looking for good camp sites and a little detecting. I have a new phone number and ive lost everybodies numbers so send me a text with all your mobile and home numbers, you should have my new number, cheers stu.

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