Friday 22 March 2013


G,day, About a week ago i found a nice patch of gold, first day i found 10 nuggets then 21 the next day then 12 then 1 then 3 then 5 for a total of 52 nuggets, no big ones so the total weight was 25 grams, thats ok for a weeks work and it would be good if every week is this good. I went back to this spot with some water and a gold pan to see if there is any fine gold in the soil but not a spec of fine gold to be found which sometimes is the case. the nuggets that i found was very reefy so it hadn't travelled far from its source so i'm looking for a reef but yet to find it. cheers Stu
the first 4 days work

2 small nuggets and an ironstone specie
Elvis  ready to go home

found 5 nuggets within a very small area 

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