Friday 29 March 2013

Ants and Gold

Well i went back to the patch today with the 18" minelab coil, this is the largest coil i have and it detects deep looking for large gold
I decided to detect over the wash as its deeper and i did get a few littlies there with the 8".
Kicking sticks and branches out of the way i got a nasty bite on my leg and expected to see a brown snake hanging off my leg but looking down there was a friggin big ant and he stung, so quickly flicking him off i had a look at the ground and they were everywhere, on my boots and charging for my legs, these ants come straight at you, no messing around, so a quick dance and i was outa there way.
Its a 13k ride on the quad to get out here from camp so wasn't heading back just cos an ant bit me so kept detecting and glad i did.
Dug an 8" deep hole to get this funny looking 3.4 gram nugget out, the signal it gave made me think it might have been a specie as it was a wobbly signal, not long after i dug out the smaller .7 gram nugget.
Total nuggets now off this patch is 66 nuggets and just over an ounce, 31.7 grams, ok for 7 days work, cheers Stu

8" deep hole where the nugget came out of and the 18" coil.
3.4 gramer, strange nugget.
Ants, these are like the inch ants back in Vic

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